Monday, December 10, 2007

I believe that there's hope, buried beneath it all.

So, yes...I have let my guard down too many times, and let the enemy in too many times. Fighting was always an option, but not something I was doing. Why? Let's see...that's what I always do. I got in the danger zone, as I'll call it, the point of breaking with possible no return. I decided then that's when it's gotta change.
It's interesting how you can be pushed to what feels like the absolute end of your being, and that's when you break out your arsenal and decide to fight off the lies and deception of the enemy.
Now, to rebuild.
To let that hope rise up to the surface, and be one of the things to carry me through, but not the only thing.
To have JOY, and to the fullest extent.
To always be on the guard for the fowler's snare, and if I get caught, to not let it trip me up.
To fight.

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